Originally Posted By: allan1
I caught some ST:Enterprise over Thanksgiving weekend.Never really watched the show too much but there was little else on sooooo.....I must've lucked out,'cuz the ones I watched dealt with Klingons and why they had no ridges in the original series.That was kinda cool.Then I caught the two-part "Mirror Mirror" episodes.Verrrrry nice.The beginning with Cochrane shooting the Vulcan was pretty damn interesting,and it was all good from there.Not too sure I liked Scott Bakula in the Kirk-style clothing though.Just didn't look right.T'Pol in the mini-skirt and black hose though.......rrrrow!!.Anywho that was it.I ain't a convert but it was decent watching.

Glad you enjoyed the Enterprise eps, Al.

I'm very fond of the show, myself.

Star Trek: Voyager episodes for November 29, 2007.


Crew morale hits an all-time low when Voyager must spend two years crossing an expanse devoid of any stars or signs of life. As Captain Janeway is forced to reflect on the choice she made stranding her crew in the Delta Quadrant, little does she know, she will face a similar decision when Voyager ends up in the middle of a serious conflict.


A transporter accident merges Seven's Borg nanoprobes with The Doctor's mobile emitter and a lieutenant's DNA to create a 29th Century Borg drone.

Extreme Risk
In order to retrieve a probe stuck in a hazardous atmosphere, Tom Paris designs a new type of shuttlecraft. Meanwhile, Torres begins to exhibit reckless behaviour, engaging in dangerous holodeck programs without safety protocols.

All of these eps were good, but " Drone " is the best of the three.. Seven is assigned to help the new drone, who prefers to be called " One", as he is one of a kind.. and he lives up to his name by blowing up a Borg cube and then letting himself die so that Voyager won't be at risk as long as he lived among the crew.

Very nicely done.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.