Once Upon A Time

Neelix is caring for Naomi Wildman while her mother is on an away mission. When the Delta Flyer is forced to make an emergency landing, and it isn't known whether Tuvok, Paris, or Ensign Wildman survived, Neelix struggles with how to shelter Naomi from the bad news.

This one always seems to get poor reviews at Star Trek sites, but I like it a lot.

Good dialogue, and Naomi Wildman is a pretty cool character.


When Voyager uses new quantum slipstream technology in an attempt to get home, a miscalculation causes the ship to crash into an ice planet. Fifteen years later, the sole survivors, Chakotay and Kim, steal the Delta Flyer in an attempt to send a message back in time and avert the disaster.

This one is in my top 20 favorite episodes. It's just awesome!
Levar Burton guest stars. He directed the episode, too. Superb!

Infinite Regress

After encountering a piece of Borg technology known as a Vinculum which connects drone's minds together, Seven of Nine begins exhibiting the personalities of people that she assimilated as a member of the collective. Soon, they become so strong that they may overwhelm Seven's own personality.

Not as strong an episode as the above, but like it!

Jeri Ryan ( Seven of Nine ) does a great job of behaving like a Ferengi, a Klingon, etc. Very talented actress. And yeah, she is hot.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.