Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The latest poll shows Hillary surging ahead in Iowa...

Funny. The Los Angeles Times reports that all the latest polls are a statistical dead heat:
  • In all three of the surveys, the advantage for the leader is within the margin of error. So basically, they all confirm one obvious point -- the Democratic race in Iowa is very tight...

And the AP/Pew poll you're trumpeting as a "surge" was actually conducted earlier than some of the others:
  • The AP/Pew survey was conducted Nov. 7-25...Pollsters like to refer to their findings as "snapshots in time." The AP/Pew and Iowa State polls strike us as a bit lengthy in the development stage.

But don't worry. I'm sure that someone with the slavish devotion you have will be able to fabricate some other point to help Hillary's numbers.

There was also a new Iowa State University poll that has basically the exact same results as the AP-Pew poll with Hillary leading. While I like Hillary I hope you don't think I fabricated these polls.

Fair play!