Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Which actually is just fine for me, in both cases. Huckabee is my first choice, and at this point also the first choice of Iowans as well. My second choice is Romney, mostly for his strong stance on illegal immigration.

I still would prefer either Biden or Dodd as a Democrat choice, but find Obama a slightly more palatable choice over Hillary. As I said before, both Obama and Clinton are both sellouts on immigration, particularly in their pandering to La Raza, which basically amounts to a promise to Hispanics to be soft on illegal immigrants.

I can agree with you there. Mike Huckabee clearly is not my choice for President, but out of all the candidates, he seems the most "genuine" to me. Did you happen to see my YouTube clip I posted of his response to the Mike Skevara incident? That sort of heartfelt genuine stuff really touches a nerve with me.

I know all the talking points and the chest thumping by heart already. I certainly don't need to hear it repeated ad naseum. Huckabee had a "real" moment there that we don't get enough of, and he sounded totally sincere about it. I need people, Democrat or Republican who care about PEOPLE and PEOPLES real needs, not about ideology and party platforms. Huckabee in his statements, showed just that. So he earns my respect.

As for Obama.. meh.

I'm still an Edwards guy until that train passes.