Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: MEM
Clinton wasn't attacking Obama for his work in Kindergarten but his claim that he never planned to be President.

Heh. Apparently MEM didn't get the latest Clinton memo. Rather than try and keep justifying their attack, now the campaign is claiming it was just a joke:

  • Mark Penn, Hillary's chief strategist... appeared on today's Morning Joe, and talked soon turned to the release. No fewer than four times, Penn tried to pass off the to-all-appearances dead serious kindergarten citation as a "joke"

However, as Newsbusters' Mark Finklestein notes, "There's only one small problem with Penn's 'it was just a joke' claim. It's untrue. "

  • Have a look at the Hillary release, here. It sets out five items as counter-evidence to Obama's claim that he had not been planning to run for president for many years. The items about essays he wrote as a third-grader and kindergartner are presented in precisely the same fashion as the other points. Absolutely nothing, in either word or graphic presentation, sets them apart or in any other way suggests they are presented as a joke.

Maybe Obama should follow suit and accuse Hillary of being a "liar liar pants on fire"? ;\)

If the Kindergarden & elementary school was all they had I would agree that it was silly as when G-man used Obama's pre-school & elementary stuff as proof that Obama was a Muslim. Here's just one of G-man's post on the subject:
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
It appears there is some truth to the story that Barack Hussein Obama has a Muslim background. Today's Los Angeles Times reports on the senator's childhood in Indonesia:

  • His former Roman Catholic and Muslim teachers, along with two people who were identified by Obama's grade-school teacher as childhood friends, say Obama was registered by his family as a Muslim at both of the schools he attended.

    That registration meant that during the third and fourth grades, Obama learned about Islam for two hours each week in religion class.

    The childhood friends say Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque. "We prayed but not really seriously, just following actions done by older people in the mosque. But as kids, we loved to meet our friends and went to the mosque together and played," said Zulfin Adi, who describes himself as among Obama's closest childhood friends.

    The campaign's national press secretary, Bill Burton, said Wednesday that the friends were recalling events "that are 40 years old and subject to four decades of other information."

Obama seems to be trying to downplay this part of his background. Doesn't that run the risk of making it seem as if he has something to hide?

Fair play!