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When The Doctor discovers that his short-term memory has been tampered with, he launches an investigation. However, when the culprit is caught, he is shocked to learn who is responsible, and why.

Janeway was the one who tampered with his program; beautiful Ensign Jettal, who, along with Ensign Kim, were seriously injured in a shuttle on an away mission.

Back on Voyager, and he could only save one... so, he chose his friend - Ensign Kim.

He developed a feedback loop in his program, and had the equivalent of a nervous breakdown. This led Janeway to delete the memories of the incident.

After much soul searching, and a talk with Seven, Janeway decides to allow the Doctor to be allowed to have and deal with own memories, same as human people have to.. and, he falls apart again.

Janeway decides to have someone with him around the clock. She leaves a book with him and he reads it.. this appears to be where he begins to calm down, as the words within are stirring and thoughtful.

A powerful episode.

A Doctor must choose who will live.. and who will die sometimes.

That's heavy.

Nancy Bell played Ensign Jettal.

Her character was quite likable.

Bride Of Chaotica

Photonic life forms mistake the characters in Tom's holonovel for real people, which leads to a war with the holodeck characters.

Captain Janeway has to participate.

She was great in this one, very funny!


When an intense gravity well causes Tuvok, Paris and The Doctor's shuttle crash on a barren planet, they befriend a female alien who had also crashed there years earlier. As the months pass, they give up hope of being rescued. However, aboard Voyager, only a few hours have elapsed.

A great one.

Noss, played by Lori Petty, who has voiced " Livewire" on the Superman cartoon of the 90's, falls in love with Tuvok.. who cannot return her affections.

The 4 of them are rescued by a last minute beam out before aliens can close the sinkhole in space.

Touching ending scene between Noss and Tuvok.. she is angry with him and his logic.. he melds with her, and then she smiles and tells him " I understand."


"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.