
The crew is elated to discover a wormhole that appears to lead directly to Earth. As they begin to act impulsively, Seven works with Naomi Wildman to save everyone from what she fears is a trap.

It was okay. I like how it was all up to Seven, Naomi Wildman, the Doctor and an alien guy to get Voyager out of what is actually a giant alien that wants to digest the ship and crew. It lured them into it by making it think that it was a wormhole that would take them home to Earth.

Seven and Naomi were immune to it as neither one wanted to go to Earth, a place they had never been to.

Dark Frontier

After defeating a Borg ship, Captain Janeway decides to launch an attack on another damaged Sphere to steal a trans-warp coil. However, as the crew prepare for their heist, the Borg Queen is secretly aware of the entire plan.

The Borg Queen welcomes Seven of Nine back to the Collective, not as a drone, but as an individual, in hopes that her new-found individuality and knowledge of humanity will help the Borg assimilate Earth. Meanwhile, back on Voyager, the crew races to integrate the transwarp coil into their systems and devise a plan to rescue Seven.

A good one. Love the Borg Queen. She's a bitch, but Seven of Nine outwits her.

Just as the Borg Queen knew what Seven was thinking, Seven knew what she was thinking due to the link to the collective.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.