Cold Station 12 (2)

Soong returns to Cold Station 12 with the Augments, a medical facility where he once worked, where there are hundreds of genetically engineered human embryos stored.

The Augments (3)

After turning on their creator, the Augments attempt to start a war between Humans and Klingons.

This is parts 2 and 3 of the Soong - augments saga, which is excellent!

Love how Soong talks about how, since trying to improve humans failed, maybe he should explore cybernetics...

The Forge (1)

Earth's embassy on Vulcan is bombed and the evidence points to a religious faction known as "Syrrannites", a group following a revolutionary interpretation of the teachings of Surak, the father of Vulcan logic. After T'Pol receives a clandestine lead, she and Archer embark upon a treacherous journey through the Vulcan desert looking for them.

Awakening (2)

Archer and T'Pol locate the Syrrannites. However, unbeknownst to Archer and T'Pol, more is going on than just a simple act of terrorism.

two more excellent eps!

Archer has Surak's Katra stuck in his head.

This makes it retroactively the first time a human gets a Vulcan soul put into him, as we first saw this in Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan and The Search For Spock.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.