Originally Posted By: MEM

Hillary leads in Iowa

Bill Clinton: It Would Be 'a Miracle If Hillary Wins in Iowa
  • Bill Clinton said it would be a "miracle" if Sen. Hillary Clinton wins in Iowa, even as he brushed off his wife's top rival, Sen. Barack Obama, as a candidate too green to run for president.

    The former president, who has been campaigning tirelessly for the Democratic frontrunner as slipping polls and a series of gaffes have threatened her campaign, made the comments in an interview with host Charlie Rose on PBS Friday, where he also said voters would be taking a "risk" if they elected Obama

    A Newsweek poll of 395 likely voters taken from Dec. 5 to Dec. 6 showed Obama with 35 percent, Clinton with 29 percent and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards with 18 percent in Iowa.

    "It would be a miracle if Hillary wins in Iowa, and I'm not just low-balling you," Clinton said

So who's bullshitting us? Bill Clinton or Matter-eater Man?