Originally Posted By: the G-man

So who's bullshitting us? Bill Clinton or Matter-eater Man?

That's an easy question to answer, it's you G-man. Nice effort to sidestep the Rasmussen poll that I just posted that shows Hillary is leading in Iowa.

Here's what Bill said: ...
Clinton also said, surprisingly, with a laugh, "It's a miracle she even has a chance" to win in Iowa, adding he was not just "low-balling it." He said John Edwards might well win -- which would certainly be preferable, from the Clintons' perspective, to an Obama win there.

I've commented a couple of times about the Iowa situation, pointing out that there was talk about Hillary's campaign skipping Iowa all together. Clinton is just saying they didn't think she had a chance. Now she obviously does. That of course is upsetting for those conservatives like yourself who don't want your candidate going up against Hillary.

Fair play!