Tooth and Claw

A good one. Love the Queen Victoria sub - plot, and the idea of her becoming a werewolf.

" We've ended up 100 years early... in 1879."

School Reunion

Loved it!!! It was splendid seeing Sarah Jane again! Loved her with the fourth Doctor, love her now! She quite lovely for a woman who is a few years ahead of me. ( I am 50 )

Loved also the dialogues between Sarah Jane and Rose, heh!


It was grande seeing K-9 again! Always liked that robotic dog!!!

His sacrifice was very brave, and in keeping with the character.

Loved how this time, Sarah Jane got a proper goodbye from the Doctor.


The scene where she sees the Tardis for the first time in 30 years!

How the Doctor concluded that the oil was the key to defeating the creatures.

Loved how K-9 kept saying, " We are in a car." LOL!!!!

And how the Doctor built a new K-9 to be with Sarah Jane.

This episode :

Was almost like being back in 1983, when I first got into the show.

This episode:

Is Superb!

This episode:

Is just one more reason why I love the show so damn much.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.