Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Honestly, if Hillary didn't know about the tactics her own campaign was using for so many different smear jobs against Obama, all that says is that she has no control over her own people. Not a good ringing endorsement for her presidential bid. I think it's more likely that she's well aware of it, but that her people are just stupid in how they're doing it.

I don't agree. Campaigns like this are huge & chock full of volunteers. No way of preventing one or two volunteers doing something that Hillary would have any way of knowing. Besides, if there was some sort of mandate from Clinton it would get out. Instead what we have here is the campaign doing what it can by firing anyone who spreads the crap that G-man had been posting about Obama for all along.

Maybe one such isolated attack could be an abberation of a few Hillary volunteers. But there does seem to be a consistent pattern to these attacks, from Hillary's "Left-wing attack machine".

I especially like the one where they attack Obama's comments as a five-year-old to his Kindergarten teacher, saying he's like to be president someday.

That's so much worse than, oh, say, Whitewater, or Filegate, or marching in a gay parade with men in leather thongs, while boycotting a catholic parade for not allowing gays to participate, or basing your political campaign on "triangulation" rather than firm principles...