Iowa Presents Problems for Clinton
The Associated Press By BETH FOUHY Associated Press Writer
EMMETSBURG, Iowa Jun 1, 2007 (AP)

Memo to Hillary Rodham Clinton: Your deputy campaign manager was right. An internal campaign memo late last month urged the Democratic front-runner to bypass first-up and momentum-generating Iowa because of Clinton's lackluster showing despite drawing large crowds a memo she immediately disavowed.

Yet, the reality from Des Moines to Dubuque lends credence to deputy campaign manager Mike Henry's assessment that for Clinton, Iowa is "our consistently weakest state."

ABC News
As I've said a couple of times, Iowa was going to be a tough fight for Hillary as this article (one of many) from just this last June points out. So when Bill Clinton says it's a miracle that Hillary can win he's not bullshitting. Not that long ago they were considering writing off Iowa as a loss.

Personally I think Hillary was right in putting the resources in a state they didn't think they could win. Now she actually has a chance of winning & if she loses it's looking like it will be a close one. That will come in handy when other states hold their primaries.

Fair play!