Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

As I've said a couple of times, Iowa was going to be a tough fight for Hillary

You must have said it somewhere other than here. I searched the "politics" forum for posts you've made in the past year with the word "Iowa" in it. Of the posts that talk about Clinton they are all almost uniformly upbeat about her prospects in Iowa:

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

DES MOINES—Sen. Hillary Clinton began her presidential journey in this bellwether state on Saturday

"I want to renew the promise of America. It starts right here in Iowa. I'm in it to win," Clinton (D-N.Y.) told cheering supporters

She is still the top choice in every national survey; where she lags, as in Iowa... She has dominated the debates, demonstrated mastery on the issues, deftly deployed her husband, shown a sense of humor and warmth that some doubted she had (as in the Sopranos video), and withstood the slingshots of former friends (for instance David Geffen) and foes.
No one has questioned her ability or her toughness, her stamina or her style. I've hardly read a word about her hair or her clothes.

she's closing the gap in Iowa

She improved her standing alot & even now it's all within the margin of error with Iowa.


Polls have shown Clinton holding double-digit leads over Obama in their effort to be the Democratic candidate in the November 2008 election.

Hillary was trailing in the Iowa polls 5 months ago. Since then she rallied & out of 12 polls she's lead in 11 of them.

The Clinton campaign trumpeted new AP-Pew polls that show her leading in Iowa with 31 percent

The latest poll shows Hillary surging ahead in Iowa

a new Iowa State University poll that has basically the exact same results as the AP-Pew poll with Hillary leading

Hillary leads in Iowa

Hillary still leading in Iowa

So, basically, you made one post early on mentioning that she was lagging in Iowa but insisting that she'd do well there in the end. Nothing about it being a tough fight.