Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Maybe one such isolated attack could be an abberation of a few Hillary volunteers. But there does seem to be a consistent pattern to these attacks, from Hillary's "Left-wing attack machine".

I especially like the one where they attack Obama's comments as a five-year-old to his Kindergarten teacher, saying he's like to be president someday.

That's so much worse than, oh, say, Whitewater, or Filegate, or marching in a gay parade with men in leather thongs, while boycotting a catholic parade for not allowing gays to participate, or basing your political campaign on "triangulation" rather than firm principles...

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Sorry but what is wrong with saying Obama wanted to be President all his life & providing sources that back it up WB? Hillary haters like to pretend it was just early school stuff & ignore that the bulk of it was about his adult life. To top it off some of these same people were busy running around proclaiming that Obama is a muslim based on his childhood.

If I was unclear, I said that it was petty and desperate of Hillary Clinton's campaign (at the link I provided to Hillary's own Campaign website, where the attack on Obama's childhood remarks to his Kindergarten teacher were posted) to attack comments Obama made as a 5-year-old, and as an adolescent, as a high school student, as a college student, etc. All Obama did was express a desire to be President someday, it's not like Hillary's campaign was exposing Obama as an embezzler, insider trader, betrayer of America, or criminal of some kind.

I'm confused by your remarks criticizing attacks on Obama being muslim, since those (I recall G-man posted the evidence) attacks came from the Hillary Clinton campaign. Which she disavowed knowledge and complicity in, of course. ;\)

As I said earlier:

Obama did nothing morally or criminally wrong in voicing his ambitions at various points in his life. It's not like she's exposing Obama for, oh, say, his involvement in abusing government power to prop up a failing savings and loan to protect his Whitewater land investment.
Or rifle through Vince Foster's files at the very time his body was found, and then withold those files from investigators for years.
Or have a hand in pulling FBI files on Republicans to try and intimidate/blackmail these Republicans into silence in Filegate.
Or march as Senator in a gay parade in San Francisco, with men wearing black leather thongs, and other gays in the parade dressed to mock Catholic priests and nuns. While Hillary simultaneously boycotted a Catholic parade in New York City because the parade would not include homosexual groups in the parade.

Yep, Hillary sure has exposed Obama's deep dark secret. It's a good thing Obama has nothing to expose that she's done wrong...