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Polls show state of races in Iowa, N.H.
Email|Link|Comments (9)By Foon Rhee, deputy national political editor December 19, 2007 09:49 AM

Two new polls solidify the state of the races in the first two states that will choose the next president.

In Iowa, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are neck-and-neck among Democrats likely to attend the Jan. 3 caucuses, according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll published today. Obama leads with 33 percent, Clinton has 29 percent, and John Edwards is within striking distance at 20 percent. Obama's edge is within the 4-percentage-point margin of error for the poll, which was conducted Thursday through Monday.

In New Hampshire, Clinton continues to hold off Obama, according to a CNN/WMUR survey released today. Clinton, who was endorsed today by the Foster's Daily Democrat newspaper, has the support of 38 percent of likely voters in the Jan. 8 Democratic primary, compared to 26 percent for Obama and 14 percent for Edwards. That poll was also conducted Thursday through Monday and has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points.


Fair play!