according to wikipedia

Planetary #1-27 (issue #27 is due sometime in 2008 and the script is finished and delivered according to Warren Ellis's blog[18])


ellis' blog:
Almost ten years to the month that John Cassaday and I had our first conversation at San Diego about creating a new series: I have just completed and delivered the full script for PLANETARY #27, the final issue of the series.
I am now going to get drunk and find something to have sex with. I'm home alone, so the chinchilla has a right to look nervous.

Done. Never ask me anything about it again. DONE.

-- W

i'm more looking forward to the 4th tpb. it's hard to reread the series when after the 3rd volume I need to dig through single issues full of ads...also i'm still missing about 3 issues that would cost about $5-$15 each.

Bow ties are coool.