A Call To Arms part 1

Leeta and Rom get married. Sisko decides to mine the wormhole, which will likely start the war. When their plan is detected, Sisko is forced to evacuate the station and endorse the non-aggression pact between Bajor and the Dominion. While patrolling the border, General Martok detects the first wave of Dominion ships headed for Deep Space Nine. All remaining Starfleet personnel are ordered to leave the station. Kira, Odo, Quark, Rom, Morn and Jake stay behind on the station and disable it as it is handed over to the Dominion.

Writer: Ira Steven Behr, Robert Hewitt Wolfe

Thus begins the Dominion War!

Season Six will open up with Part 2.


"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.