Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

There's a huge difference between being anti-Women, and being anti-radical-feminism.

If women, because of insane feminist ideas have, for the first time in human history, chosen not to reproduce at even replacement levels (i.e., not even two children to replace the two parents), to the point that every nation of North America, Europe, and even the asian Western nation of Japan have aging, shrinking populations, then it is a valid argument that liberal feminist ideas are destroying our civilization.

how dare they make a choice other than reproduction. if kids are so important then some men could stay home. so really it's also male ego destroying society.
did we learn nothing from Mr. Mom?

A species that chooses not to reproduce is a species that is destroying itself. That is the fruit of feminism.

I love women.
I detest feminism, at least in its modern liberal form.

so as long as women are pregnant housewives, you love them?
that's kind of sick.

Bow ties are coool.