Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
ROB! Back away slowly, don't make eye contact, and it won't take out your throat. Well done. I bet you pooped your pants in nervousness. Fuck knows I did.

meh, not really. i was a little lit, too, which i guess helped.

the only thing i was sorta nervous about was getting the proper ring size, cuz i know shit about jewelry, and alexis doesn't wear rings, so i couldn't steal an existing one and compare.

i've heard bad things about getting the girl a ring size too small, and having her freak out at the guy.

 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
You don't bring fruit salad to a sausage sizzle.

dave, come on. i'm engaged now. you missed your chance.

I'll wrestle your fiancee and the winner gets you! Ground rules: Graeco-Roman, nude, and in a mud bath.

On the ring, you should have phoned wise old Uncle Dave for advice. I bought my wife a diamond, and so she could chose her own setting.

Pimping my site, again.
