I can't believe you missed the obvious line: "but I wouldn't look very good Graeco-Roman, nude and in a mud bath."

It seems all of my wife's friends are upgrading their diamonds (ie replacing the stone with something much larger and more expensive) something I am desperately trying to discourage. So don't think that's the end of the subject, matey.

And if you're poor how are you going to afford:

a. the wedding cake
b. the wedding dress
c. the food at the wedding
d. the booze at the wedding
e. the church/religious temple/cheap pool hall at which you will say vows
f. the wedding ring
g. the invitations
h. the photographer
i. the flowers
j. the bridesmaids' dresses
k. your tux
l. besties' tuxes
m. gifts for besties
n. bail to get out of jail on your stag night
o. honeymoon?

Pimping my site, again.
