I haven't read One More Day because I'm really not reading anything right now comic book wise. I refuse to pay $2.99 to read the shit that they've been foisting upon the public lately (and did they really charge an extra buck an issue just so you can read some reprinted story in the same book?). I knew that the unmasking wouldn't last despite what Donquefucker said. I knew he was trying to break-up the Peter/MJ marriage. I never realized that he'd do it in such a stupid and hackneyed way. He makes the superhero who's mantra for over forty years has been 'With great power comes great responsibility' make a pact with Satan?! And the reason is to keep Aunt May, who should have died at least fifteen years ago, stay alive with him giving up his extremely supportive and loving wife? You have to be seven shades of stupid to believe that any of that either makes sense of fits the characters at all. Why does Peter want Aunt May still around? So she can break her hip struggling to make it up the stairs? Or is it so that she can fall victim to another rampaging attack by one of his enemies? Nothing like a brittle boned old woman being snapped in half by the metallic grip of Doc Ock.

Joe, as Daredevil: Father proved, you can't write. Nor are you what people would refer to as an 'idea man' in the comic business. You drew some pretty pictures in your day and got the 'Stan Lee luck' by getting the Marvel EIC position. That's it. If you really wanted Spidey's marriage to be over with that badly, you should have just gone to JMS or, better yet, Peter David or Mark Millar or any of the people on your payroll who actually have writing talent and asked them to make the story for you. As much as I've seen and heard people say that they'll never by such and such a comic over the years for whatever reason, I've never heard it so often and loudly as I have since this thing hit the shelves. Hopefully, they'll all stick to it and give Marvel no other choice but to remove your fat, donkey molesting ass out of the EIC chair.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."