Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Chant
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Then there's JMS' excuse for not using Shakespearian rhetoric to be lazy.

The excuse might be lazy, but I for one, am glad that the stupid shakespearian rhetoric is gone. Because on that part, JMS is right, it's fucking stupid to have a Norse mythological God speak that way!

I disagree. It's obvious that Stan Lee gave Norse and Olympean gods Shakespearian rhetoric to establish them as (for lack of a better word) higher and older beings. It gives there characters...character.

but it makes no sense for a Norse god to speak like that. And it makes them seem incapable of adapting language and grammar over time.

Maybe it doesn't make sense if you expect the comic versions to be a strict translation of Norse Mythology but that would be...I don't know, unreasonable to think Stan Lee and others shouldn't have enough creative slack to make changes here and there. I think it was intresting way of making the Asguardians intresting. And as far as them not adapting both pantheons of Gods have always been arrogant...they wouldn't feel the need to adapt to lesser beings.