Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Which puts her time in the Senate at only slightly more than either Obama or Edwards.

When talking about his lack of experience on the daily show Obama had something like this to say "What we're trying to do on this campaign is get people to see past convential wisdom. What people really want, when they talk about is experience, is good judgement. The idea being that the more experience you have the better your judgement. But that's not true. We all know 50, 60, 70 year olds who have bad judgement because they keep making the same mistakes. No one had a longer resume then Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and look how well that turned out".

What he said was very close to that, and truer words were never spoken.

Who was surprised that Cheney & Rumsfeld were awful? And how did they get their positions of power. IMHO, it took one guy who was in way over his head to be President but had the charisma to convince people that it was OK to elect him. Obama has flubbed up enough foriegn policy questions where I really wish he would have waited & gained some of that experience that he doesn't think is important before running for such an important job.

Fair play!