Human Error

Seven is running romantic holo - programs involving herself and Chakotay.

Her cortical node malfunctions; apparently, it is pre-programmed to shut down when she has developed a certain level of individuality.

The Doctor informs her that the programming cannot be changed.

She ceases using the holodeck programs.

A great episode, and a splendid metaphor for how people have to deal with their
own limitations.


Q's son appears on the ship; hilarity ensues.

He has his powers taken away and has to prove himself worthy of gaining them back; he does, by offering to be punished by aliens in order to save Icheb, who was wounded when the aliens attacked the two in the Delta Flyer.

The alien turned out to be Q, his father.

His powers are soon restored and he departs Voyager, having (hopefully ) learned a lesson.

This is very much like the Next Gen. ep where the Continum takes Q's powers away
and he winds up on Enterprise and has to prove himself.

Both the two are very good episodes.

I have never seen a boring Q episode...

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.