'Iron my shirt' men removed from Clinton crowd

by John McCormick

SALEM, N.H. – Two men were just removed from a high school auditorium where Sen. Hillary Clinton is speaking, after they stood up during her speech, lifted signs and chanted "iron my shirt."

The New York senator did not skip a beat, as police removed the men who held orange signs that read the same thing they were chanting.

"Oh, the remnants of sexism, alive and well tonight," she said.

As Clinton showed she was not going to be thrown off stride, the audience of several hundred gave her a standing ovation.

"I am also running to break through the highest and hardest glass ceiling," Clinton shortly later, receiving a second standing ovation.

"I tell you, it's always interesting," Clinton told the crowd. "It is never predictable."

At the start of her question-answer session, Clinton had one more joke at the protestors' expense.

"If there is anyone else left in the auditorium who wants to learn how to iron his own shirt," she said, asking for questions.
The Swamp

Fair play!