The first NH votes are in

Dixville Notch, a tiny little town in the far northern reaches of New Hampshire, always casts the first votes in that state. It's a hallowed tradition in the Granite State for some reason. And, tonight the voters of Dixville Notch have spoken for Barack Obama and John McCain. From the Primary Monitor:

Dixville Notch got the voting under way. The results:

* John McCain 4 votes
* Mitt Romney 2 votes
* Rudy Giuliani 1 vote

* Barack Obama 7 votes
* John Edwards 2 votes
* Bill Richardson 1 vote

UPDATE: In Hart's Location...

* McCain 6 votes
* Mike Huckabee 5 votes
* Ron Paul 4 votes
* Romney 1 vote

* Obama 9 votes
* Hillary Clinton 3 votes
* Edwards 1 vote

More here.