So-Called Sexist Protesters Seem A Little Too Convenient For Hillary

  • two men stood up during Hillary Clinton’s speech in Salem, NH holding signs and chanting the demand: “Iron my shirt.” Of course, a reference to a time when women were relegated only to cooking and cleaning.

    It was Hillary’s reaction to the seemingly outdated heckling which made me believe that this was a staged event, designed to evoke sympathy from female voters while playing the role of martyr and long-suffering wife.

    Hillary responded to the hecklers by declaring to the audience: “Ah, the remnants of sexism--alive and well.” Strangely, she then asked: “Can we turn the lights on? It’s awfully dark here for everybody.” The police came in as if on cue and removed the young protesters before a jeering crowd.

    Why did she suddenly want the lights on?

    The incident provided Hillary a convenient segue to talk about supposedly still-looming sexism. Hillary went on: “As I think has been abundantly demonstrated, I am also running to break through the highest and hardest glass ceiling.”

    both heckling men were very young and one was a Michael Moore look-alike. As I listened to their message of “Iron my shirt,” it became clear to me that these two did not seem to be angry, nor did they have a shred of conviction in their voices. They seemed to be acting and badly at that. They also looked a little too relaxed and were even chuckling as they were led away by police officers.

    Let us consider the line itself...The comment “Iron my shirt!” would have undoubtedly been a cutting insult to a female candidate running for office during the 1970’s. However in 2008, it simply sounds absurd and perhaps even confusing to those in their 20’s. Only someone over the age of 50 would consider using such a tired line (Perhaps, a 50-year old Democrat campaign consultant).

    So why would Hillary’s campaign stage such an incident?...Simple. Her numbers are plummeting and support for Obama is growing larger everyday.

    She is becoming desperate and a staged incident is certainly not out of the question for her, as we have seen her do in the past.