I think everyone is agreed that the way Marvel eliminated Peters and MJs marriage was gayer than kamphausen at his very gayest!

Halo brings up the point that I have the biggest problem with - Peter sold his soul to the devil.

I am not religious in anyway(other than my devout worship of the horny little ginger devil Nowhereman!) But a character with Peters beliefs would never sell his soul.

To the nay sayers(I haven't met any so far), who will try to make the argument that Peter made a deal not sold his soul - you don't make deal with the devil, which Mephisto essentially is.

My next problem is the descent in the Marvel ranks! For JMS to post that he is not happy with the end of the story and wanted his name taken off the credits doesn't bold well! Yeah yeah, cheap publicity!

But it undermines these so called Marvel summits that Donkeyfucker is always going on about - it seems he listens to everybody, then he'll do what the fuck he wants! Joey the Q, preaches that they plan shit in advance but it goes to show that they had no resolution to Peters unmasking, Mays shooting - they pulled this story out Q's fat arse.

I liked the beginning of JMS run, it was the freshest Spider-man had been in years, he introduced some good topics, the Spider totem(ok, some of you guys hated it but it did have potential - which was never reached) and he even offered a more logical way out for Peter, which was mentioned earlier in this thread! In the story with Loki, it ended with Loki owing Spidey a favour! I don't care if this was beyond the characters capability, it's the Marvel Loki, I would far prefer Spidey making a deal with the Norse God of mischief then the devil - FUCK, I'd prefer peter using the Skrull crisis to get out of the secret identity thing!

Another problem is addressed by Nowhereman and G-man! I agree with Nowhereman, whether you liked Crisis, it dealt with the universe as a whole, you make liked some parts and hated others, they were dealing with everyone! Marvel is dealing with just one character, who before Civil War, they may have got away with but afterwards too many characters had been touched!

That was before of course I read the last issue of OMD to see the return of Harry - WTF!

As Joe of MAMA said, how does that effect Norman in Thunderbolts because that should should surely have major ramifercussions! Grimmalkin rightly points out that nothing will probably happen because Ellis can not be bothered with continuity.

Check this out:


SO! No one NOW knows who Spider-man is anymore! The general public are aware that he revealed his identity but can;t remember who he is! One word - LAZY!

Not even Daredevil knows! There goes the classic, Death of Jean De Wolff!

Ironically, one of the new writers is Dan Slott, who wrote the brilliant Spider-man/Human Torch:I'm with stupid, where Peter finally reveals his identity to close friend Johnny Storm - no more.


Forgetting the actual story, at least the stories, Sins of the Past, Avengers disassembled and The Other are now resigned to the mists of time!

Hopefully the clone saga, maximum carnage and the stories from the 90s in general are also all gone!

How does this effect Venom and to a lesser extent, Carnage? Is Brock Venom again?

WOW! My longest post for a very long while! I could probably go on but I can't be bothered!

I'll end this by saying that Liefeld could probably have come up with a better story to retcon Peters and MJ marriage!

And that is essentially the point I'm trying to make - yes I can understand it being done but not only was it done so very badly but Marvel ended opening cans of worm s that never needed to - why'd the have to undo so much and bring Harry back?

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!