Clinton, McCain lead new national poll
Email|Link|Comments (0)Posted by Foon Rhee, deputy national political editor January 11, 2008 04:36 PM

National polls are not all that meaningful at this stage in the presidential race.

Still, their comeback victories this week in New Hampshire boosted the numbers for Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John McCain.

The CNN/Opinion Research poll, conducted Wednesday and Thursday and released this afternoon, shows Clinton with a 49 percent to 36 percent lead over Barack Obama, with John Edwards at 12 percent. Clinton's support rose from 40 percent in the same poll last month.

Among Democrats, the worsening economy has jumped ahead of healthcare and the Iraq war as an issue, according to the survey. Clinton leads among Obama in voters' confidence in how they would deal with those concerns.

Looks like Clinton got quite a bounce from her NH win or perhaps this is just things going back to normal after Iowa?

Fair play!