It sure appeared as if Karl Rove was back to backing the candidate he‘d love to see beaten. The former adviser to President Bush writing it up there (in a now Murdoch-owned, Murdoch “Street Journal”) in which he explains why Mrs. Clinton won in New Hampshire and otherwise, reiterates Senator Obama, saying that the Illinois Democrat‘s performance at the debate Saturday, quote,

“His trash talking was an unattractive carry over from his the days of playing basketball at Harvard, and capped a mediocre night.”

And Karl Rove knows his mediocre. Of Senator Obama generally, Mr. Rove is saying, quote,
“He‘s often lazy.”

Karl Rove knows his lazy. Out of Mr. Obama‘s speeches, Mr. Rove analyzing, quote,
“His rhetoric while eloquent and moving at times, has been too often light as air.”

What is, is he scared of a Barack Obama nomination? Is he scared not to have a Hillary Clinton one? Does he just feel the need to be involved when his time is so clearly passed?

Well, Obama's campaign is clearly a repudiation of that kind of style of politics. And Obama is pretty explicit about it. More than that though, some of Obama‘s aides detected a pretty ugly undertone in Rove there. The trash talking, the basketball, the lazy thing. Is he suggesting that some sort of color aspect to Barack Obama‘s behavior that he‘s getting at? You know, it was uncomfortably close to an edge of being plain racist.

Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field.. Genesis 3:1