With all due respect, MEM, we no more gave up our right to analyze the performance(s) of the Democrat candidates than you gave up your right to comment on the various Republicans pre-primary.

Further, while I hope you realize that Republicans have a variety of opinions on a variety of subjects (and that the following is not per se representative of any consensus), I would note that at least some conservatives are of the opinion we would much rather run against the strident, angry, ethically challenged Hildebeast Hillary than Obama:
  • Republicans have spent years gearing up for an epic battle against Hillary Clinton in the 2008 presidential race, but as Barack Obama gains momentum in the Democratic nomination fight, they are scrambling to come up with a new strategy for the general election.

    With Republicans bitterly divided and facing a difficult electoral environment, the prospect of another Clinton presidency had been seen as the one development that had the potential to unify the party. In a general election, her high negatives and role in the scandals of the 1990s would be major liability, and in a change election year, Clinton is the Democrat who would make the least convincing argument for change.

    But in Obama the Democrats have found a fresh face without Clinton's baggage, who even opponents acknowledge is charismatic and likable. His victory in Iowa has made "change" the buzzword in both parties.

Last edited by the G-man; 2008-01-13 3:04 PM.