Clinton, McCain top polls

Posted by The Associated Press January 14, 2008 11:22AM

Hillary Clinton maintains a lead over fellow Democrat Barack Obama, and John McCain jumped to the top of the Republican field, two new polls showed Monday.

The Washington Post-ABC News poll had Clinton ahead of Obama 42 percent to 37 percent, while the CBS News-New York Times survey gave her a wider lead, 42 percent to 27 percent. John Edwards drew support from 11 percent of respondents in both polls.

On the GOP side, McCain's win in New Hampshire boosted him to 28 percent in the Post-ABC poll and 33 percent in the CBS-Times poll. That came mostly at the expense of Rudy Giuliani.

Mike Huckabee was second with 20 percent (Post) and 18 percent (CBS), trailing McCain by 8 and 15 points, respectively. Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani were closer than that to Huckabee but traded third and fourth place between the surveys.

Only CBS had Romney slipping to single digits, tying with Fred Thompson at 8 percent. The Post found GOP rivals Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter with 3 percent and 2 percent.

Both polls were conducted Wednesday through Saturday. The margin of error was 3 percentage points.

Personally I'm pretty skeptical with any polls between Hillary & Obama. I think we're all going to have to wait till at least February to see whats what.

Fair play!