Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
My personal feeling is [Barack Hussein Obama]'s the one they would like to go against where they can attack him on being inexperienced & all the other bs that you can find on this thread earlier. If he wins the Democratic nomination they'll start treating him like a Clinton.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
...at least some conservatives are of the opinion we would much rather run against the strident, angry, ethically challenged Hildebeast Hillary than Obama

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
If you really wanted Hillary to be the Democratic pick you would be posting much differently.

You might want to clue in Bill Maher, MEM. He thinks we want to run against Hillary:

  • Bill Maher, on the Friday night season debut of his HBO show, suggested that because Republicans prefer to run against Hillary Clinton than Barack Obama they engineered her victory in New Hampshire's Democratic primary.

    Maher opened the panel discussion by observing how he found it “odd” that polls showed Obama ahead in New Hampshire, yet Clinton won, and “it does bother me that a private company runs the polling machines and that only they certainly seem to know what went on...Who profits from the Hillary victory? They don't want to run against Obama. Your party does not want to run against him. They want to run against Hillary Clinton and now they have a race with her in it."

Let us know which conspiracy theory you guys decide to run with, okay?