Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
There was a really funny moment when Hillary Clinton was interviewed Sunday morning on Meet the Press, where Hillary was criticizing Obama's lack of experience, and played clips of Obama (recently) and Bill Clinton (debating in 1992). And after, Tim Russert said: "Obama sounds just like Bill Clinton in 1992!"

Meaning that Like Obama against Hillary, Clinton in 1992 said he was experienced enough, and had a more comprehensive vision for changing the nation.

Something I've seen on Bill Moyers Journal, McLaughlin Group and several other panel shows, is the notion among liberals that having a black guy run for president represents the most progressive stance that Bill and Hillary have always stood for, and whether it's a contradiction of their liberal progressive vision to stand in the way of a viable black candidate for president. And whether at some point, they'll ethically have to step aside.

Didn't Clinton actually at least complete his govenorship? Obama is so ambitious that he can't even wait to finish his first term as a Senator.

I think it's a silly notion that anyone should feel they need to step aside to let someone else win. This is for the most important job in the world & Obama isn't going to get a free pass from the Clintons. He sure as hell isn't going to get one from the GOP either when/if it comes time.

Besides having a woman president would also be progressive. I couldn't even make a judgement as to which would be more, could you?

Fair play!