Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
Behind The Lines

Spike showed this one out of synch! It ought to have been on last week.

Anyway, Odo appears smitten with the female Founder who is on DS-9.

He fails to help Rom and the others when they want to disable a plan to do away with the mine field that is the only thing keeping a large Dominion fleet from joining the war in the Alpha Quadrant!

Very good ep.

Tomorrow night: Dax and Worf get married.

This episode changed my opinion of Odo and Quark. Quark comes through blasting those Jem Hadar while Odo stays in his room fucking.
And the big battle and Sisko taking on the whole fleet and the station in just the Defiant was great. I always loved that little ship. Even though he survived by sheer luck and the Prophets/Kira/Rom's actions he still showed real guts and it was a very exciting moment.
I also loved the tragedy of Ziyal. Dukat was a bad guy, but they made him complex. He truly loved his daughter more than anything else and the horror on his face when she's shot by his own second in command was heartbreaking. Superb acting...as always.

Bow ties are coool.