When a giant monster is storming through NYC get the hell out of the city and don't go back! I'm just saying it's a sign..........the main character's name from Cloverfield was Rob and Lelia looked almost like Lexis!

After all, Lexis is a smart girl and can find her way out (she's a teacher after all) and she wouldn't be stupid enough to be impaled by a giant pole!

In fact, for safety sake why don't you both move away from the city altogether. Have you ever noticed the scary stuff always happens in NYC? Cloverfield, King Kong, Day After Tomorrow........

I'm just saying Rob, better to be safe than sorry!

Your long lost brother lives, after all, in Florida \:p

Last edited by Ultimate Jaburg53; 2008-01-21 3:47 AM. Reason: She works with children? Ponderous, fucking ponderous.