Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Really the only problem I have with the game. You'd think that advanced civilizations would have faster elevators. It's mostly a problem in the Citadel (1st level). Not so bad elsewhere.

Not to be nitpicky, but I think the 'elevators' serve as the loading screens. Back in KOTOR you got a loading page with facts about the universe, characters, history, blah blah blah. On Mass Effect they use the elevators and the Normandy's decontamination chamber as a way to load the next section without being as jaring as a loading screen. It's slow, but I think it's a smarter way to play.

I think I'm almost done with the game. The female hairstyles are...well...I think longer hair just wouldn't have worked (with helmets). But it's so much better than KOTOR...some of those faces you could chose were not very pretty.

And as far as plot...I love it. I got the backstory very easy, which I usually have trouble with some sci fi stuff. The soundtrack (ten bucks on iTunes) is great. The plot doesn't have that mess-with-your-head twist like KOTOR and and Empire -- and that's okay. The speech is more military. I just got to the part where Saren explained his reasoning for his actions. You sort of feel sorry for the deluded bastard.

And the romance angle is much better than in KOTOR. As everyone here probably remembers, I wasn't too happen about my female Jedi getting a simple 'I think I love you' from her man on the side. I'm still weirded out that there's a sex scene in a video game...but...er...maybe that's the way of the future.

"You're either lying or stupid."
"I'm stupid! I'm stupid!"
Megatron and Starscream