Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
What's your beef with McCain G-man? I thought you'd like someone who will keep fighting in Iraq (until the job is done).

 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
I don't think he has a beef with him....he prefers Rudy that's all. I bet he'll vote McCain if he is the nominee.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
...why I've never been that enthusiastic about McCain...I'm not sure if my opposition to campaign finance reform puts me to his right or his left (I think my view would actually be libertarian on this) but I do know its the single biggest objection I have to him.

About the only issue where I agree with him fully is the war. I still think his "may God have mercy on them because we will not" quote was one of the best ever post 9/11

The bottom line is that, yeah, if he's the Republican nominee I will vote for him. I disagree with him in some areas, but not nearly as much as I disagree with Hillary or Obama. And I respect McCain as a leader and hard worker.

I like McCain overall better than Romney if, for no other reason, even if you disagree with McCain he comes off as a straight shooter. I would vote for Romney over Clinton or Obama but if Richardson had been the nominee I might have voted for him over Romney.

On the other hand, if Huckabee's the GOP nominee I won't vote for him no matter WHO the Democrats nominate. I'd probably not vote at all or, in the alternative, write in "Peter J. Pappas" just for the hell of it.