That was an insightful and surprising commentary by Coulter, G-man.

I found this one quite insightful as well:

I voted for Romney in the Florida primary, and consider him the most representative of conservative principles, something I can't really say about either John McCain or George W. Bush.

I support McCain and Bush on certain issues, particularly the need to complete the mission in Iraq.

But I oppose Bush on his weak border enforcement, amnesty for illegals, vastly increasing the money in presidential campaigns, and other issues.
And on a number of these issues, McCain is too close to the policies I don't support Bush on.

Worst case scenario, it might be better to cede the election to a Democrat for 4 or 8 years, to hold out for a true Republican, than to vote for a Republican who further dishonors what Republicans are all about.

Romney has a proven track record as a business owner, as an organizer for the 2002 Olympics, and as a Massachusettes governor, balancing budgets, reducing debt, and turning failures into successes. And with the personal wealth he has, I see Romney as a guy who can pay for his own campaign and not make backroom deals and obligations to special interests to stay in the race. As I believe Hillary, Obama and McCain already have.