Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
 Originally Posted By: MrJSA
 Originally Posted By: rex
They met at the boards where everyone agrees with everyone else on everything and no one makes fun of anyone.

Halo Lives to Bitch About the rkmb



Posted: Jan 19 2008, 11:37 PM
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I hate them.

I hate them I hate them I hate them.

Most of all I'm tired of fighting over mother fucking comicbooks. I state an opinion and next thing I know I have some fanatical fanboy going nuts because I like or don't like something they're pathological about. No matter how hard I try to say "I understand what you are saying but I don't see that way" the conversation morphs into "you only disagree cause you refuse to listen" or asking me to spoon feed them every little thing that's led me to feel a certain way.

I go to Comicbloc and I say I can't take Secret Invasion seriously becaue it seems Marvel is using cheap sensationalism (having the heroes get all hysterical) to build up a redundant story that's been done ad nauseum. All of a sudden I'm being lambasted cause I don't have any imagination. As though making Iron Fist have a corronary over a Skrull is imaginative? Everybody keeps on getting the impression that I'm saying the heroes shouldn't react at all but nowhere in my post does my statement even slightly reflect that. So basically instead of just excepting my differing opinion they'd rather put words in my mouth to malign my entire point of view.

And it's not just apologists who are unyielding in there fanatasism. It's the critics who can't except others enjoying/understanding something they hate.

I go to Rob's board or even here with DPW (not trying to start a fight dude, but I need to vent) and say I liked GL Rebirth and it made more sense to make Hal be mind fucked then to just have him crack and turn evil. All of a sudden I'm bombarded by unrelenting fanboys who think Rebirth was stupid because of the "space bug" as if that's any cornier or more improbable then space star fish, penguin men, and guys on surf boards. They liked ET, cool, it still exists, the only diffrence now is that instead of succumbing to madness and becoming an evil asshole, Hal succame to Parallax and is a still a hero. But no, that can't POSSIBLY be exceptable. Cause Hal had a fucking history of breakdowns. I ask "what breakdowns" they say "he had woman troubles" or "he traveled cross country to find himself" I say those aren't breakdowns and all of a sudden I'm a dense asshole.

Fuck fanboys.

End rant.

that was beautiful.

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