Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I thought of Pariah when I read this article:

  • McCain doesn't Speak for Me

    These four states ( NH, SC, MI, FL ) have combined their native liberal populism with an imported liberal electorate and have forced the GOP to accept a nominee so distasteful that in more than one poll -- the numbers of voters choosing not to vote and those choosing to vote third party actually exceed those who will hold their nose and vote for Maverick, War Hero, Amnesty Supporter, John McCain.

Some of the hyperbolic metaphors are a bit too bombastic and annoying for me ("new axis of evil", "nuclear option", etc.) but this part I agree with:

  • it's time for the GOP to front-load the whole freaking process into one date. Make every state vote on exactly the same day. Make every candidate compete in EVERY state at the exact same time and hold every single GOP primary and caucus on Super Tuesday. When NH and IOWA complain, take a page from the Democrats and refuse to seat their delegates, or better yet, declare renegade states as straw polls.

It really annoys me that, in both parties, early primaries in states like Iowa and New Hampshire, which are not representative of the nation as a whole, create front runners with a tiny fraction of 1% of the population, and actually turn the tide in later states that would otherwise vote for the candidate they truly support, instead of abandoning their true candidate who did poorly, or pragmatically abandoning their true choice for a perceived front runner.

Iowa especially made me sick. The Democrat and Republican voters combined didn't equal 200,000. The total Iowa primary voters were less than the population of my home city, let alone representative of the entire nation. And yet they early on determined Huckabee and Obama as front runners, and changed the outcome of many other states.

I think it's a great idea to have all 50 states do their primary elections the same day. It would eliminate the speculator mentality, and compel people to vote for the candidate they truly support.
I think you are gonna have to face facts that just as the way-liberal left is dieing so is the way-right conservative part of the Republican party. The Conservatism that you know from years ago (Neo Cons included) is dead. Long Live the Moderates!