Originally Posted By: PJP
I think you are gonna have to face facts that just as the way-liberal left is dieing so is the way-right conservative part of the Republican party. The Conservatism that you know from years ago (Neo Cons included) is dead. Long Live the Moderates!

The moderates are bureaucrats who strangle us in laws and legislation, and empty posturing, but never get anything done. Nothing changes in a moderate government. And Washington is a log-jam that requires radical reform, not more moderate status-quo.
The McCain/Feingold bill is the moderates in action.
No-child-left-behind is moderates in action.
The current 150-billion-dollar joke of a stimulus package is an example of moderates in action.
All examples of politically-correct moderate/bipartisan compromise, that arguably complicate and worsen policy, rather than correct it.

I disagree with the fact that Reagan/Goldwater type conservatism is dead. It clearly is what every Republican candidate is exalting and selling himself as.
The only problem is whether Republican candidates credibly measure up to that standard.

I welcome the departure of the NeoCons (Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Cheney). They had a brief period where they could have proved their effectiveness, and they failed miserably. To me, the NeoCons have been a dead movement since Nov 2006.

I also disagree that the "way-liberal Left" is dying.
Far from it, through the internet and pundits of the liberal media, they are spreading mythical lies with such prevalence that they are undermining national pride and patriotism, and tearing this nation apart, against every attempt to unite us in action against forces that threaten our sovereignty and national economic solvency, at a time of crisis when we desperately need to rally together.

Islamic terror, the falling dollar, national identity and defense of our history and culture, border defense, illegal immigration, exporting jobs... in every area, we need to take strong action, even as liberals slander anyone who would do so as "racist" and "xenophobic".