Originally Posted By: Silky Johnson
 Originally Posted By: Rex's Mom.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: David Jonopulos
rex got a job.

Inexplicable, not impossible.

i cry myself to sleep each night wishing he'd just find a job. Any job.

You can take some small comfort in the fact that he receives blowjobs from his socks, every day.

I do, it really is the only thing he has. If he didn't "love" his socks so much he'd be annoying the hell out of his father and I like he did as a child.

where Bob Marley and dreadlocks are still popular. She has two non-fiction books in print, The One Thing Needful, and Living Waters For a Parched Land. Her poetry has appeared in Rattlesnake Review, Beat the Blackened Wing: An Anthology of Crows, PDQ, and Denali, among others. She is currently co-editor of Tiger’s Eye: A Journal of Poetry.