This week I was supposed to start helping out with the catering crew. It never happened. I went to them and told them that I was supposed to report to them, and they stared at me like I was crazy. So all this I've been running around doing odd jobs around campus.
Tomorrow I'm (supposedly) going to be on the paint crew. I'm really excited about this. They start at eight am instead of seven and its close enough for me to walk to. This means I will probably be able to get up at six thirty, instead of five. The paint crew also has the hottest women. Thats a very good thing. The only downside is that I will be getting home an hour later.

  • The catering crew didn't know who you were because they thought the person who was looting food for the last week was some homeless fuck. You didn't have a job with them and they didn't want to babysit you. We got lucky with the painting crew being willing to watch you for a few hours while daddy and i made fuck.
  • I doubt myself saying this but maybe you should raise your standards over Marge, the 80 year old woman with five teeth.

Its 12:06. I need to get up at five. Been watching the hurricane coverage all night. Too depressed to sleep. Need to turn off TV.

You know we don't like you staying up that late to watch Veggie Tales.

I stopped caring about birthdays a couple years ago.
Nothing ever happens anymore. I went out to eat with my parents, then had cake with everyone. Nothing big happened. The only thing that changed was that now I have to get used to writing 28 instead of 27. Is that something to get excited about?

Did you enjoy your happy meal?

where Bob Marley and dreadlocks are still popular. She has two non-fiction books in print, The One Thing Needful, and Living Waters For a Parched Land. Her poetry has appeared in Rattlesnake Review, Beat the Blackened Wing: An Anthology of Crows, PDQ, and Denali, among others. She is currently co-editor of Tiger’s Eye: A Journal of Poetry.