The other day our garage was broken into. Two bikes and a stereo were stolen. It happened during the night, when everyone was asleep. they came in through the back door. Now I don't even want to be here anymore. Its not safe. The cops won't do shit, because there aren't enough. Fuck I hate this town. Something needs to change. Now I want to beat the crap out of every hippie or bum I see riding a bike. there are no more rules. Anyone can do whatever they want. Everything gets stolen and nothing gets done. How can society survive with shit like this going on? Things need to change, but there is no one in power here that will do anything. This town is going downhill fast, I need to get away before it takes me down with it.

where Bob Marley and dreadlocks are still popular. She has two non-fiction books in print, The One Thing Needful, and Living Waters For a Parched Land. Her poetry has appeared in Rattlesnake Review, Beat the Blackened Wing: An Anthology of Crows, PDQ, and Denali, among others. She is currently co-editor of Tiger’s Eye: A Journal of Poetry.