Originally Posted By: the G-man
....this is the same candidate who changes her accent depending on her audience so the idea of her manipulating her affect for votes is hardly without precedent.

Speaking of which, the Washington Post reports on the fact that Hillary paid $7500.00 to a voice coach:

  • According to Clinton campaign's latest federal campaign disclosure report, the Democratic presidential candidate paid $7,500 to voice and drama coach extraordinaire Michael Sheehan in October.

    Sen. Clinton also sought Sheehan's guidance for the publicity tour for her memoir, "Living History," in which she describes her upbringing as well as her "terrible, painful experience" in the White House.

    Sheehan's clients include such media companies as the Washington Post and AOL, as well as big oil companies, HMOs, insurance companies and defense contractors.

    "At some point, every kind of leader faces an important audience from behind a lectern or in front of a television camera," goes the pitch on the Sheehan Associates site. "A confident, relaxed ability to communicate effectively can be your competitive edge."

    Sheehan was traveling abroad Monday and unable to talk to us about his work with Clinton.

To be fair, Hillary is hardly the only candidate to hire a voice or performance coach. But it does further demonstrate that she works hard to manufacture an image for herself and, therefore, fake tears are hardly out of the question.