Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
My favorite part of the Super Tuesday coverage was when they were calling states for candidates with only 3% of the votes counted.

3% is a minority. and we all know how you hate minorities.

No, I don't hate minorities.
But you love to slanderously allege that relentlessly, to falsely paint that perception through sheer repetition, against what I've actually said. Or in other words:

 Originally Posted By: WB
No, that's just more ad-hominem attack. You label anyone who disagrees with you a bigot, homophobe, hater, extremist, etc.

Your tactics come straight from the Moscow Central Committee:

 Originally Posted By: Moscow Central Committee, 1943

Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi, or Anti-Semitic... the association will, after enough repetition, become "fact" in the public mind.

Slander as an alternative strategy to honest political debate.

The Revolution continues, even after the fall of the Soviet Union.

 Originally Posted By: WB
Not just on the major networks, but on the PBS coverage as well.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

you don't consider PBS a major network despite it's long history of providing quality entertainment and information to the American people? why do you hate America so much?

Again, I'm a huge enthusiast for the PBS NEws Hour, and PBS programming in general, so you again misrepresent me to have made some kind of derisive remark when it clearly wasn't intended that way.

My point was only that it isn't among the most watched or influential networks or news programs. I'd guess their market to be a fraction of 5% of news viewers.

Although PBS is highly regarded;

 Originally Posted By: Wb
Here's a wild idea: Report what actually happened, instead of pre-determining the outcome.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

I agree. I'm sick of these impatient forecasts. This is why I lean more and more towards newspapers. They compile their numbers and print it. 24 hour news is a joke that is destroying the way people get information, turning it into a free for all stream of thought. Remember 2000? I was watching and Gore won on the screen, i fell asleep for 20 minutes and woke up to see Bush won on the screen, then I took a brief shower and came back to see Gore had won again.
Exit polls should be illegal, releasing voting results until 100% are counted should also be illegal. Announcing the winner should be a definitive thing, not speculation.

Glad we could agree on something.