Originally Posted By: the G-man

Obama seized on the loan issue to pressure Clinton to release her tax returns.

"I'll just say that I've released my tax returns - that's been a policy I've maintained consistently," Obama said.

"I think the American people deserve to know where you get your income from."

The Clinton camp says that it will release her returns if she wins the nomination[/list]

Obama seemed to be channelling G-man today, all that is missing is the word shady. I believe it's pretty standard for candidates not to disclose until they win the nominations. It of course is fair game for Obama to try to make an issue of it just like when Hillary brought up his pal the slumlord that financed his earlier campaigns. BTW did anyone else think Obama was being deceptive when he characterized that 15 yr relationship as only 5 hrs of legal work?

Fair play!