Originally Posted By: PJP
We need someone young in there and someone fresh to start standing up to the corporations that are running this economy to the ground.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I really can't blame you for thinking that way, given the way the media incessantly pounds the anti-corporation drumbeat (while, parodoxically, being run by corporations) and the fact that you're also a relatively young guy, whom, I suspect, has never really tried to operate a business under an anti-corporation federal government.

However, when that day happens, I suspect you're going to be very unhappy. Laws that target "corporations" have a funny way of screwing over small business people.

 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
I'm 35 this year....practically your age!

Yeah, but that's an important nine year age difference (I'm 44 this year).

For example, that means I'm old enough to really remember what it was like having Jimmy Carter as a President. A guy who thought he could go after the big oil companies and their "evil" profits. As a result we got shortages and gas rationing in addition to rapid price increases. We also had inflation and a recession.

All of those factors were hell on the economy and on small businesses. It was very much worse than it is now.

The interest rates on mortages was about eleven percent. The unemployment rate was around seven or eight percent.

I wouldn't also mind seeing some kind of cap on the bonuses CEOs are getting from these big companies.

Here's the problem my friend (or at least one of them): any government that can legally or morally tell a CEO how much he can make can just as easily tell a small restaurant owner in NJ how much HE...or anyone else... can make.

There's also the question of why shouldn't a CEO make a lot of money. If he or she is getting a huge bonus, that simply means that the stockholders of the company are pleased with his or her performance and rewarding it. Why would you object to that? What do you think would happen to the money otherwise?